Newsletter Summary
Currency rates
Equities of largest breweries
Market prices change trend
Top industry news
Brewery news
Malt news
Barley news
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Scientific Digest
Malting barley prices
Theoretical malt prices
Barley price evolution
Table of the week
Graph of the week
On These Days
Do you know
Average market prices Change trend
Note: Just click on the price link and you will be led to our Market Price History.
Average barley market prices are French and are estimated on FOB Creil basis.
Average malt market prices are estimated on FOB Antwerp basis.
The changes are compared to last Newsletter's prices.
Arrows indicate the direction of the change.
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You may find updated malt, barley and beer statistics on Statistics section. Just enter! Here you will find all tables issued with newsletters. Agenda gives the possibility to keep you informed about the Events planned to be held in the whole world related to the brewing and malting industries. To this purpose you just have to login and click on Agenda link in the menu. Reading our Event Agenda you will find out about the future symposia, conferences and festivals related to malting and beer world. You may also submit your own events to the address has Trading Online system. The system is to be used for malt/barley trading. One can register a malt/barley offer or a malt/barley request. The registering person could be as a seller/buyer or as an agent for seller/buyer.
The User can see information about all active malt/barley offers & requests. If needed the system allows user to buy/sell malt/barley due to reasonable offers/requests. The way to do this is to confirm reasonable transaction.
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Last five E-malt Flashes

Flash 27a, 2006

Flash 26b, 2006

Flash 26a, 2006

Flash 25b, 2006

Flash 25a, 2006
Market price evolutions
The evolution of market prices for barley and malt, which are periodicaly issued with newsletters are published on site in Market Prices section. Just click here!
Available market price evolutions

Canada Average Barley Prices 1983-2005

Canadian Malting Barley Prices vs. Danish 2Row

Australia Malting Barley Export Prices 2000-2005

Malt Market Price Evolution. Crop 2005

French Malting Barley Price Evolution. Crop 2005

Malt Market Price Evolution. Crop 2004

French Malting Barley Price Evolution. Crop 2004

Malt Market Price Evolution. Crop 2003

French Malting Barley Price Evolution. Crop 2003 graphs
All graphs issued with newsletters are published in "Graph" section of site.
Last five graphs

World Barley Production

New Zealand Beer Production

EU Malt Usage (2006/2007)

Per Capita Beer Consumption in 5 largest beer markets in Asia Pacific (1999, 2005)

Canada Exports Of Malt 1992-2005
The graphs are updated from time to time. Just see the updates online on site! Tables
We have the pleasure to let you know that all tables are published in Statistics section. The Statistics section includes Barley statistics, Malt statistics and Beer statistics. The tables related to barley are published in Barley Statistics section, the tables related to malt in Malt Statistics section and the tables related to beer in Beer Statisctis section.
Last five tables
search in statistics

Australian Barley Supply and Disposal 2001-2007f

EU Malt Export Licence Fixations

Beer Sales In France Per Distribution Channel

EU Malting Industry Extensions and Closures 2005

World Supply and Demand Balance of Barley
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| Flash 27b July 06 - July 07, 2006
Quote of the week
"Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity."
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Currency Rates
Base Currency: Euro, EUR
on 07-July-2006
1 EUR = 1.2743 USD
1 EUR = 0.6941 GBP
1 EUR = 1.418 CAD
1 EUR = 1.7158 AUD
1 EUR = 147.107 JPY
1 EUR = 2.7965 BRL
1 EUR = 34.2819 RUB
1 EUR = 10.2012 CNY
Base Currency: US Dollar
on 07-July-2006
1 USD = 0.7849 EUR
1 USD = 0.5447 GBP
1 USD = 1.1128 CAD
1 USD = 1.3464 AUD
1 USD = 115.452 JPY
1 USD = 2.1946 BRL
1 USD = 26.9034 RUB
1 USD = 8.0056 CNY
Equities of the Largest Breweries
Top Industry News
China: Heineken part-owned Kingway Brewery to start brewery construction in Chengdu...
Click here
Japan: Kirin Brewery Co. to post 17% profit rise in H1...
Click here
USA: Rumours about Anheuser-Busch and InBev distribution agreement revoked...
Click here
Russia: Heineken cuts 500 jobs in Russia and targets 20% of Russia beer market in forthcoming 5-6 years...
Click here
Latin America: Quinsa reported US$9,442,926 loss for the period 01/05/05 to 31/12/05...
Click here
Germany: Weissheimer Malzfabrik declared again state of temporary insolvency...
Click here
World: International brewing groups seeking for malt offers but hardly buying yet...
Click here
Hungary: Albadomu Malata Bt. bankruptcy procedures completed...
Click here
EU: Barley intervention stocks increased to 2.3 million t...
Click here
More News
China: Chinese beer output tops the world four years in a row
More Info
UK: Volume sales of ales and stouts dropped 21% between 2001 and 2005 to 1.7billion litres losing out to lager
More Info
EU: Reducing barley carry-over stocks becomes urgent as new grain year starts July 06
More Info
Germany: Holsten minority holding 1.86% in the company finally removed
More Info
USA: Prices basically unchanged for both feed and malt barley during the last two weeks
More Info
UK & South Africa: SABMiller separation from Altria unlikely in the next 6 months
More Info
Russia: “Volga” brewery plans to triple beer production in 2007
More Info
USA: Stutsman County officials turned down 100 percent Cargill tax break for malt processing plant expansion
More Info
Canada: Labatt Breweries to receive Cognos Performance Visionary Award
More Info
Russia: “Heineken Siberian Brewery” to lift beer production to 1.2 million hl until 2007
More Info
Canada: Lakeport Brewing Chair & CEO a finalist for 13th Annual Ernst & Young 2006 Entrepreneur of the Year(R) Award
More Info
Belgium: InBev upgraded to “buy” from “add” by Dresden Kleinwort
More Info
India & UK: Cobra beer to increase capacity in India to 1 million cases a year within the next 18 months
More Info
China: Tsingtao Brewery ratings lifted by +1.2%, World Cup effect is limited
More Info
UK: Eastwood & Sanders Fine Ale to inaugurate brewery and flagship brand new names
More Info
Vietnam: Foster’s beer granted Integrated System Management certification
More Info
USA & Germany: InBev USA conducts agency review of imported Beck’s
More Info
Ghana: Guinness Ghana Breweries Group unveils new outlook for Star Beer
More Info
Australia: Coopers beer wins world title
More Info
UK: Shepherd Neame lunched four specialty ales in selection box
More Info
USA: ARS researcher discovered way to improve barley feasibility in ethanol production
More Info
Brewery News
Malt News
Barley News
Scientific Digest
The Impact of Microorganisms on Barley
and Malt Quality - A Review S. N. E. Van Nierop 2 and M. Rautenbach, Department of Biochemistry, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa; B. C. Axcell Department of Microbiology, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa; and I. C. Cantrell, Group Brewing Research, SABMiller, South Africa
Abstract: J. Am. Soc. Brew. Chem. 64(2):69-78, 2006
Microbial colonization of the barley plant tissue occurs in the field
while the crop is growing. Accordingly, all barley grain/seed will have
some microflora, although the amount and type of microorganisms may
vary. Barley is one of the major raw materials used for brewing, and
microflora on barley has long been associated with a number of quality
aspects and brewing issues that form the subject of this review. Specifically,
this review will focus on the impact of barley microflora on the
malting process and malt quality, wort production and resulting wort
quality, the fermentation process and yeast flocculation, and the final
product (beer) quality. In addition, we will briefly review antimicrobial
factors associated with the microflora of plant tissue (including seeds),
specifically focusing on how these factors occur, some typical factors,
and their possible impact on brewing.
Load full article, 10 pages, 154 Kb, PDF file
Malting barley prices. French barley prices.
Nominal prices.
Theoretical malt prices.
NB: Prices published are theoretical malt prices including financial cost,
THC (for bulk and bags container) and all administrative costs.
This prices may fluctuate according to the quantity per delivery and technical specifications.
* - 70/30 = 70% Average two Rows Spring and 30% Six Rows Winter
** - 50/50 = 50% Average two Rows Spring and 50% Six Rows Winter
Theoretical malt prices for crop 2006 are available on site
Australia Barley Price Evolution

Source: ABARE, June 2006
Table of the week
Europe Barley Crop Estimate 2005 and Forecast 2006
Graph of the week
Netherlands Beer Production and Export
These Days in Business History
06 July
1785 Congress resolves US currency named "dollar" and adopts decimal coinage.
1885 Louis Pasteur successfully tests an anti-rabies vaccine
1886 Horlick's of Wisconsin offers 1st malted milk to public
1907 Opening of Brooklands, in England - the world's first purpose-built motor racing circuit.
1924 1st photo sent experimentally across Atlantic by radio, U.S. – England
1928 In New York, the screening of the first film to include sound - 'The Lights of New York'.
07 July
1550 Chocolate introduced
1802 1st comic book "The Wasp," is published
1814 The world's first authentic historical novel, 'Waverley' by Sir Walter Scott, is published.
1891 Travelers cheque patented.
1929 In Italy, the Vatican in the centre of Rome becomes a sovereign state.
08 July
951 Paris is founded
1497 Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama sets sail from Lisbon in search of a sea route to India.
1796 U.S. State Department issues 1st American passport
1870 Congress authorizes registration of trademarks
09 July
1815 1st natural gas well in U.S. is discovered
1953 1st helicopter passenger service, New York City
1955 Strike in Belgium for 5 day work week
1957 Announcement of discovery of atomic element 102 - nobelium.
July 2006:
Belgium Comes to Cooperstown , USA.
New York City Babblefest
American Beer Month July, 2006 What is American Beer Month
Qingdao International Beer Festival, China. Barley and hops and more
Interwine China - 2006. 2 nd International Trade Fair of Wine, Brewing...
Bevtek & Brewtek China - 2006. International Beer, Brewing & Beverage Production,Bottling...
Olesummer Festival 2006, Estonia. The Nordic countries' largest festival
The Beer World - 2006,Saransk, Russia.The specialized exhibition
Portland International Beerfest , USA. Taste the greatest beers
The Forth Annual Empire State Brewing & Music Festival
Witton Castle country and western festival
Brew at the Zoo Beer Tasting and Free Food.
August 2006:
GBBF Great British Beer Festival
IHGC Hop tour
10th International Berlin Beer Festival 2006
Toronto’s Festival of Beer is Canada’s premier beer festival
Agrokomplex 2006 , Slovakia. International Fair of Agriculture and Food Industry
Bank Holiday Weekend and International Beer Festival , UK.
Northern Crops Institute Course 2006 Barley Malt Quality Evaluation
September 2006:
8th BELGIAN BEER WEEKEND The Belgian Brewers’ association
World of Food China - 2006. International Exhibition and Conference for the Food
Beverages - 2006,Belgorod, Russia.Specialized exhibition.
CHINA BREW & BEVERAGE International Brew and Beverage Processing Technology and Equipment
International Brewery and Soft Drinks Industry Exhibition
Riga Food 2006.
The Great Canadian Beer Festival
2nd Bruxellensis Festival
Jean De Clerck Chair XII: Flavours in Beer , a post academic training
Fine Food Australia. Australia's largest exhibition for the food and beverage industry...
TecnoBebida Latin America International Exhibition of Technologies for the Beverage Industry
EXPO Food & Drinks - 2006, Armenia. The 4th Interhational specialized exhibition.
AtyrauFood - 2006, Kazakhstan.5-th North-Caspian Regional Exhibition
Munich Oktoberfest.The world's biggest beer festival.
World Grains Summit: Foods and Beverages San Francisco, California U.S.A.
International Beer Competition 2006 Japan.
FoodWeek Uzbekistan - 2006.11th Annual International Exhibition of Food and Drinks.
Northern Crops Institute Course 2006 Grain Procurement Management for Importers
World Food Moscow - 2006.The 15th International exhibition "All world of food".
The 15 AllUkrainiane forum of food-processing industry - 2006.
Great American Beer Festival® September 28 - 30, 2006.
Farmer of Kazakhstan - 2006.The 4th Kazakhstan international exhibition.
More events are available on site
Copyright © E-Malt s.a. 2006
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