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Equities of largest breweries
Market prices change trend
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Brewery news
Malt news
Barley news
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Scientific Digest
Malting barley prices
Theoretical malt prices
Table of the week
Graph of the week
On These Days
Do you know
Average market prices Change trend
Note: Just click on the price link and you will be led to our Market Price History.
Average barley market prices are French and are estimated on FOB Creil basis.
Average malt market prices are estimated on FOB Antwerp basis.
The changes are compared to last Newsletter's prices.
Arrows indicate the direction of the change.
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Updated figures related to USA barley and malt trade with Mexico and Canada could be seen in NAFTA section of menu. To this purpose please enter!
You may find updated malt, barley and beer statistics on Statistics section. Just enter! Here you will find all tables issued with newsletters. Agenda gives the possibility to keep you informed about the Events planned to be held in the whole world related to the brewing and malting industries. To this purpose you just have to login and click on Agenda link in the menu. Reading our Event Agenda you will find out about the future symposia, conferences and festivals related to malting and beer world. You may also submit your own events to the address has Trading Online system. The system is to be used for malt/barley trading. One can register a malt/barley offer or a malt/barley request. The registering person could be as a seller/buyer or as an agent for seller/buyer.
The User can see information about all active malt/barley offers & requests. If needed the system allows user to buy/sell malt/barley due to reasonable offers/requests. The way to do this is to confirm reasonable transaction.
Trading Online rules are available through the Internet in the Trading Online as well as Tutorial (useful for persons who starts the system usage).
To visit the E-malt Trading Online first go to the site, then click Trading Online link in the left menu of the home page. For more details please contact
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Last five E-malt Flashes

Flash 31a, 2006

Flash 30b, 2006

Flash 30a, 2006

Flash 29b, 2006

Flash 29a, 2006
Market price evolutions
The evolution of market prices for barley and malt, which are periodicaly issued with newsletters are published on site in Market Prices section. Just click here!
Available market price evolutions

Canada Average Barley Prices 1983-2005

Canadian Malting Barley Prices vs. Danish 2Row

Australia Malting Barley Export Prices 2000-2005

Malt Market Price Evolution. Crop 2005

French Malting Barley Price Evolution. Crop 2005

Malt Market Price Evolution. Crop 2004

French Malting Barley Price Evolution. Crop 2004

Malt Market Price Evolution. Crop 2003

French Malting Barley Price Evolution. Crop 2003 graphs
All graphs issued with newsletters are published in "Graph" section of site.
Last five graphs

Czech Malt Exports in 2005 by country of destination

Per Capita Beer Consumption in 5 largest beer markets in Central & Eastern Europe

Malt and Malt products used in USA Brewing Industry (1990-2005)

The Netherlands Beer Production and Export (1990-2005)

World Barley Production
The graphs are updated from time to time. Just see the updates online on site! Tables
We have the pleasure to let you know that all tables are published in Statistics section. The Statistics section includes Barley statistics, Malt statistics and Beer statistics. The tables related to barley are published in Barley Statistics section, the tables related to malt in Malt Statistics section and the tables related to beer in Beer Statisctis section.
Last five tables
search in statistics

EU Malting Barley Supply and Demand Estimate 2006/2007

EU Malt Export Licence Fixations as of June 27, 2006

Polish Brewing Industry Q1 2004 - Q1 2006

Europe Barley Crop Estimate 2005 and Forecast 2006

Australian Barley Supply and Disposal 2001-2007f
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| Flash 32a August 07 - August 09, 2006
Quote of the week
"Choose a job that you like and you will never have to work a day in your life"
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Currency Rates
Base Currency: Euro, EUR
on 09-August-2006
1 EUR = 1.2834 USD
1 EUR = 0.6733 GBP
1 EUR = 1.4378 CAD
1 EUR = 1.6857 AUD
1 EUR = 147.701 JPY
1 EUR = 2.8093 BRL
1 EUR = 34.3007 RUB
1 EUR = 10.2454 CNY
Base Currency: US Dollar
on 09-August-2006
1 USD = 0.7793 EUR
1 USD = 0.5247 GBP
1 USD = 1.1203 CAD
1 USD = 1.3135 AUD
1 USD = 115.098 JPY
1 USD = 2.189 BRL
1 USD = 26.7269 RUB
1 USD = 7.9831 CNY
Equities of the Largest Breweries
Top Industry News
Denmark: Carlsberg A/S net revenue climbed 8% to a total of DKK 19.3 billion as at 30 June 2006...
Click here
Netherlands & Spain: Heineken to sell existing brewery site in Seville...
Click here
UK: Scottish-Newcastle revenue up 6.0% at £1,994 million for the six months to June 30 2006...
Click here
Switzerland: Beer consumption dropped by 23% during last 15 years...
Click here
Latin America: InBev announces closing of the AmBev transaction to increase its shareholding in Quilmes Industrial S.A. ("Quinsa")...
Click here
USA: Boston Beer Co., Inc net income increased to $7.99 million in 2Q 2006...
Click here
EU: Malting capacities are at low level, at least temporary...
Click here
USA & Canada: Barley forecasts stressed by heat and drought...
Click here
Canada: Barley supply expected to fall by 13%...
Click here
More News
Denmark & India: Carlsberg to set a joint venture with leading business conglomerate Khetan Group
More Info
Russia: Minor shareholders oppose the BBH’s mergers
More Info
Bulgaria: Barley harvest completed by August 03 at 515,000 t
More Info
Australia: ABB Grain Ltd announced adjustment to grower indicator rate
More Info
EU: Brussels threatens beer drinkers' choice, warns the British Beer & Pub Association
More Info
India: United Breweries Ltd announced net profit up 255% for the 12 months ended March 2006
More Info
USA: City Brewery workers approve new three-year contract
More Info
Japan & China: Kirin Brewery Co. to build new brewing facility in China
More Info
Romania: Barley crop expected to drop by 32% year-on-year
More Info
USA: Pittsburgh Brewing Co. seeks labor concessions to keep the brewery afloat
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Czech Republic: Drinks Union more than doubles profit to Kc71m in 1H 2006
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Bulgaria: Kamenitza AD brewery fined for river pollution
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UK: Green King plc to transfer to employees 10,000 new ordinary shares
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World: Black Sea barley buyer prices at level of UAH 550-590/ton
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Afica & Asia: SABMiller’s Africa-Asia business accounts for 28.95 percent of the Group’s total lager sales
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Thailand: ThaiBev appoints new director for its international arm InterBev
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Moldova: Barley export expected to drop in 2006 to 100,000 t from 128,000 t year-on-year
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UK: 91% of winter barley and 15% of spring barley harvested by August 02/2006
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India: GM Breweries Ltd posted a net profit of Rs13.45 crore for the 12 months ended March 2006
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USA: Anheuser- Bush steps into the craft beer segment, small breweries share divergent opinions
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Russia: Heineken to brew new beer at Saint Petersburg and Novosibirsk plants
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UK & Czech Republic: Zubr Dark Beer to be the third Czech dark beer to be shipped to UK
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UK: O'Hanlon's Thomas Hardy's Ale awarded The Supreme Champion at the International Beer Challenge 2006
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India: Som Distilleries and Breweries Ltd announced a net profit of Rs0.73 crore for the 12 months ended March 2006
More Info
Brewery News
Malt News
Barley News
Scientific Digest
Agrochemicals Accepted by the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) and Brewing Research International (BRi) for use on Barley and Hops
The Purpose of the BBPA’s and BRi’s List
The BRi and BBPA aim to test agrochemicals which, because of their chemical nature or
timing of application to barley or hops could potentially affect either the malting, brewing
or fermentation processes, or could cause undesirable off-flavours in the finished beer.
In the EU, Council Directive 93/71/EEC (Annex III) requires the effects of pesticides on
transformation processes to be taken into account and requires an evaluation of the
possible occurrence of adverse effects on transformation processes, such as brewing
and malting, or on the quality of their products.
In order for a chemical to be included on the list of accepted chemicals, BRi will carry out
an initial assessment of factors including; chemical nature; mode of action; time of
application; available test data. Following this initial assessment, BRi will conduct any
further additional malting or brewing trials necessary to come to a decision. These
further trials do not replace or duplicate the toxicological or efficacy testing required by
the Pesticides Safety Directorate (PSD) before the chemical can be registered, but are
designed to test the suitability of treated crops for processing specifically within the
malting and brewing industry.
Load full article, 15 pages, 92 Kb, PDF file
Malting barley prices. French barley prices.
Nominal prices.
Theoretical malt prices.
NB: Prices published are theoretical malt prices including financial cost,
THC (for bulk and bags container) and all administrative costs.
This prices may fluctuate according to the quantity per delivery and technical specifications.
* - 70/30 = 70% Average two Rows Spring and 30% Six Rows Winter
** - 50/50 = 50% Average two Rows Spring and 50% Six Rows Winter
Theoretical malt prices for crop 2006 are available on site
Table of the week
EU Malt Export Licence Fixations:
Graph of the week
Australia Barley Production and Malting Barley Exports
These Days in Business History
August 7
1888 Theophilus Van Kannel of Philadelphia patents revolving door
1928 The dollar shrinks, literally: the US Treasury unveiled a new version of the note that was one third smaller than its predecessor
1959 Explorer 6 transmits 1st TV photo of Earth from space
1998 U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed, by terrorists. Some 224 were killed and more than 5,500 injured.
August 8
1709 1st known ascent in hot-air balloon, Bartolomeu de Gusmao (indoors)
1876 Thomas Edison patents mimeograph (stencil duplicator or the printing machine)
1956 A coal-mine fire kills 262 workers in Marcinelle, Belgium.
August 9
1673 Dutch troupes recapture New York from English; regained by English in 1674
1945 US drops 2nd atomic bomb "Fat Man" on Japan destroys part of Nagasaki
1976 USSR launches Luna 24, last Lunar flight to date from Earth
August 2006:
GBBF Great British Beer Festival
IHGC Hop tour
10th International Berlin Beer Festival 2006
Toronto’s Festival of Beer is Canada’s premier beer festival
Agrokomplex 2006 , Slovakia. International Fair of Agriculture and Food Industry
Midwest Specialty Grains Conference, Minneapolis.
Bank Holiday Weekend and International Beer Festival , UK.
Northern Crops Institute Course 2006 Barley Malt Quality Evaluation
September 2006:
8th BELGIAN BEER WEEKEND The Belgian Brewers’ association
World of Food China - 2006. International Exhibition and Conference for the Food
Beverages - 2006,Belgorod, Russia.Specialized exhibition.
CHINA BREW & BEVERAGE International Brew and Beverage Processing Technology and Equipment
International Brewery and Soft Drinks Industry Exhibition
Riga Food 2006.
The Great Canadian Beer Festival
2nd Bruxellensis Festival
Jean De Clerck Chair XII: Flavours in Beer , a post academic training
Fine Food Australia. Australia's largest exhibition for the food and beverage industry...
TecnoBebida Latin America International Exhibition of Technologies for the Beverage Industry
EXPO Food & Drinks - 2006, Armenia. The 4th Interhational specialized exhibition.
AtyrauFood - 2006, Kazakhstan.5-th North-Caspian Regional Exhibition
Munich Oktoberfest.The world's biggest beer festival.
World Grains Summit: Foods and Beverages San Francisco, California U.S.A.
International Beer Competition 2006 Japan.
FoodWeek Uzbekistan - 2006.11th Annual International Exhibition of Food and Drinks.
Northern Crops Institute Course 2006 Grain Procurement Management for Importers
World Food Moscow - 2006.The 15th International exhibition "All world of food".
The 15 AllUkrainiane forum of food-processing industry - 2006.
Great American Beer Festival® September 28 - 30, 2006.
Farmer of Kazakhstan - 2006.The 4th Kazakhstan international exhibition.
October 2006:
International Beer Summit 2006, Japan.
World Beer Festival, USA
Food And Beverages, Novi Sad Fair, Serbia & Montenegro.
MBAA Brewing and Malting Science Course
Lighthouse International Beer Festival, USA.
Belgian Beer Festival.
Belgian Beer Fest - Sunday Brunch, USA.
World Food Ukraine / Ingredients Ukraine International Food and Drinks Exhibition
More events are available on site
Copyright © E-Malt s.a. 2006
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