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Present and forecast malt and beer production in Russia.
(Based on facts and assumptions)

  2002  2003f  2004f  2005f  2006f  2007f  2008f 
Beer production in Million hl  70.5  74.7  79.2  83.2  85.7  87.4  89.2 
Growth, %  6%  6%  5%  3%  2%  2% 
Beer consumption per capita, liters  48.3  50.8  53.8  56.5  58.1  59.3  60.5 
Use of malt, kg/hl  15.5  15  14.5  14  14  14  13,5 
Malt requirements, thousand Mt  1,093  1,120  1,148  1,165  1,200  1,224  1,204 
Local production of malt, thousand Mt  553  595  721  873  993  1,094  1,119 
Imports of malt, thousand Mt  540  525  427  292  207  130  85 
Publication date: 20 February, 2004