Newsletter Summary
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All tables are published in Statistics section.
The Statistics section includes Barley statistics, Malt statistics
and Beer statistics. The tables related to barley are published in
Barley Statistics section, the tables related to malt in
Malt Statistics section and the tables related to beer in
Beer Statistics section.
Last five prices evolution
Last five scientific digests
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Just click on the price link and you will be led to our Market
Price History. Average barley market prices are French and are
estimated on FOB Creil basis.
Average Malt Prices are theoretical and based FOB Antwerp being
estimated on French malting barley.
The changes are compared to last Newsletter's
prices. Arrows indicate the direction of the change.
Vietnam: Brewer Habeco expects slightly increased profit and over-the-counter stock trading this year
...Click here
Ukraine: Beer export increases by 30.4% as compared to March export volume
...Click here
The Netherlands: Heineken NV reduces net debt by acquiring debt notes of a British pub chain
...Click here
Romania: First quarter beer sales drop by 12.3% as compared to the same period in 2008
...Click here
China: AB InBev to close selling a 7% stake in Tsingtao in early June
...Click here
Russia: Federal Antimonopoly Service takes proceedings against Russia’s largest maltster ex parte Baltika Breweries
...Click here
EU: Barley exports to date still lower than last year - ONIGC
...Click here
Canada: CWB’s PRO estimates reduced for both 2008/09 and 2009/10 malting barley
...Click here
EU: No sales of malting barley before getting a clearer view of crop 2009
...Click here
Germany: Hops growing areas hit by giant hail storm – damage estimates vary
...Click here
United Kingdom: Heineken struggling to keep its UK business afloat
...More Info
Australia: If for sale, Foster’s will be most likely acquired jointly by Coca-Cola Amatil & SABMiller - Credit Suisse analysts
...More Info
Kazakhstan: Kazakh consumers to get more locally produced beer
...More Info
United States: Washington barley and wheat commissions to unite
...More Info
New Zealand & United Kingdom: Steinlager Pure beer chooses UK as the launch pad for overseas expansion
...More Info
Russia: Brewer SUN InBev has expansion plans for Ivanovo region
...More Info
Angola: Castel invests $200 mln in a new brewery in Angola
...More Info
Poland: SABMiller’s subsidiary to have a new head as from June, 1
...More Info
Lithuania: Gubernija continues operating at a loss in Q1 2009
...More Info
Vietnam: Brewer Habeco expects slightly increased profit and over-the-counter stock trading this year
Hanoi Beer-Alcohol-Beverages Corp., a Vietnamese brewer partly owned by Carlsberg A/S, said it expects profit to “slightly” increase this year and that its stock
...More Info
Ukraine: Beer export increases by 30.4% as compared to March export volume
Ukraine’s beer export increased by 30.4% in April as compared to the previous month, communicated on May, 28.
Total beer export volume amounted to
...More Info
The Netherlands: Heineken NV reduces net debt by acquiring debt notes of a British pub chain
Dutch brewing giant Heineken N.V. announced on May, 28 that it has acquired a further 55.6% of Class A1 Notes representing a face value
...More Info
Romania: First quarter beer sales drop by 12.3% as compared to the same period in 2008
Romania’s beer sales dropped by 12.3% in the first three months of this year from a year ago, Ziarul Financiar cited data from the
...More Info
China: AB InBev to close selling a 7% stake in Tsingtao in early June
Chen Shufa, chairman of Fujian New Hua Du Supercenter Co., Ltd. has enough capital to buy a stake in Tsingtao Brewery Co. from Belgium-based
...More Info
Russia: Federal Antimonopoly Service takes proceedings against Russia’s largest maltster ex parte Baltika Breweries
The Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation (FAS) has instituted legal proceedings against the maltster Russkiy Solod ex parte Baltika Breweries, RBC reported
...More Info
EU: Barley exports to date still lower than last year - ONIGC
As of May, 13, barley export licenses issued by the EU amounted to 3.3 mln tonnes, ONIGC cited FranceAgriMer earlier this month.
In total, the
...More Info
Canada: CWB’s PRO estimates reduced for both 2008/09 and 2009/10 malting barley
The CWB released on May, 28 its latest monthly Pool Return Outlooks (PRO) for the 2008-09 and the 2009-10 crop years.
PRO Commentary
2008-09 crop year
...More Info
EU: No sales of malting barley before getting a clearer view of crop 2009
Despite the demand for malting barley on the EU markets, the offer is practically nonexistent, La Depeche reported on May, 29.
The sellers are taking
...More Info
Germany: Hops growing areas hit by giant hail storm – damage estimates vary
Incoming reports on the giant hail storm that devastated parts of the German hop crop on Monday, May 26 keep coming in but the
...More Info
Bitter is better - a review on the knowledge about bitterness in beer
Ch. Schönberger
Bitter is, or should be, a descriptive term for beers. What makes the beer bitter in the first
place is the use of hops. The range of bitter units in beers used to be between 20 and 50
IBU (International Bitterness Units). Nowadays there is a very clear trend towards mild
beers with bitter units between 10 –25 and sometimes even lower. Originally used as a
preservative in beer, newest findings show us what hop-derived substances offer in
regard to health benefits. So there is hope that a new triumphant success of hops might
go along with a new increase of bitterness in beer. Bitterness is a topic which is very
important for all brewers and being a question of taste it can be discussed to everyone’s
taste. This article is to give a review on the knowledge about bitterness in beer and the
challenges in sensory and analytical evaluation of bitterness.
The bitter taste reception is different from the reception of the other four taste qualities,
which are sour, sweet, salty and umami, because evolution told us to be alert to bitter
foods and rightly so since it can be equated with dietary danger. Rancid fats, hydrolysed
proteins, plant-derived alkaloids, and toxins generally have an unpleasant bitter taste.
Also microbial fermentation often results in bitter tasting compounds (1). But bitter
flavours also contribute to the palatability and digestibility of food and beverages. Beer is
not the only consumer good with the tendency of decreasing bitterness. Responding to
taste-driven consumer demand of less bitter food, the food industry generally tries to
remove bitter compounds like phenolic compounds, flavonoids, isoflavones, terpenes,
and tannins from foods destined for human consumption. Because of such efforts,
current food supply is less bitter than it might otherwise be (2,3).
Load full article, 15 pages, 286 Kb, PDF file
Malting and Feed Barley Prices
NB: Prices published are theoretical malt prices including financial cost,
THC (for bulk and bags container) and all administrative costs.
This prices may fluctuate according to the quantity per delivery
and technical specifications.
* - 70/30 = 70% Average two Rows Spring and 30% Six Rows Winter
** - 50/50 = 50% Average two Rows Spring and 50% Six Rows Winter
Malt Market Prices, Crop 2008
Ukraine Barley Supply & Demand
Source: Hop Growers of America
May 28
1783 Benjamin Tower of Philadelphia publishes 1st daily newspaper in U.S.
1849 Patent for lifting vessels granted to Abraham Lincoln
1863 Georg Adler, German state economist is born
May 29
1527 University of Marburg (Germany) founded
1848 William G. Young patents ice cream freezer
1933 Patent on invisible glass installation
May 30
1872 Mahlon Loomis patents wireless telegraphy
1928 John Keith Wright is born, English economist/asst sect of state, 1971-84
1975 European Space Agency, ESA, forms
May 31
1879 1st electric railway opens at Berlin Trades Exposition
1974 The first money-market mutual fund with checkwriting privileges, Fidelity Daily Income Trust, opens for business.
2000 Lucent Technologies announces that it is buying Chromatis Networks, an optical networking company, for $4.5 billion.
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