Newsletter Summary
Last five Flashes
Last five graphs
Note: All graphs issued with newsletters
are published in "Graph" section
of site.
Last five tables
All tables are published in Statistics section.
The Statistics section includes Barley statistics, Malt statistics
and Beer statistics. The tables related to barley are published in
Barley Statistics section, the tables related to malt in
Malt Statistics section and the tables related to beer in
Beer Statistics section.
Last five prices evolution
Last five scientific digests
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Just click on the price link and you will be led to our Market
Price History. Average barley market prices are French and are
estimated on FOB Creil basis.
Average Malt Prices are theoretical and based FOB Antwerp being
estimated on French malting barley.
The changes are compared to last Newsletter's
prices. Arrows indicate the direction of the change.
Japan & China: Asahi Breweries plans to maintain so far the current stake volume in Tsingtao Brewery
...Click here
Belgium: World’s No. 1 brewer said to be planning a benchmark eight-year sterling bond
...Click here
Japan: May beer shipments decline, Sapporo Breweries sees no problems due to brisk third-category beer sales
...Click here
Russia: Brewer Efes to cut investments, believes in sales growth this year
...Click here
Canada: Labatt and Brick Brewing settle trade mark disputes out of court
...Click here
Russia: Baltika Breweries to launch a malting plant in Yaroslavl region, barley growers plan production increase
...Click here
World: Barley trade forecast left unchanged at 17.18 mln tons in 2009/10
...Click here
Canada: Barley crop to drop by nearly 26% in 2009 - CWB
...Click here
United Kingdom: New malting barley variety approved for brewing and awarded the prestigious Cereal Cup
...Click here
Latvia: Beer excises to grow by 50.3% next month
...More Info
Poland: Brewer Grupa Żywiec to offer first Polish beer in plastic bottle
...More Info
Canada: Agribusiness Viterra reports strong Q2 results
...More Info
United States: Anheuser-Busch to present in October new Bud Light Golden Wheat
...More Info
Brazil: Brazilian shareholders sell some stake in AB InBev - sources
...More Info
The Czech Republic: New 11-degree beer launched by Budějovický Budvar corresponds to market trend
...More Info
Australia: ABB Grain to pay distributions from 2008/09 barley pools next week
...More Info
United Kingdom: Heineken appoints new managing director for Scottish and Newcastle UK
...More Info
New Zealand: Lion Nathan’s latest offering to tap New Zealand’s mid-strength beer market
...More Info
Ukraine: SABMiller’s Ukrainian brewer starts to brew a beer it used to import from Russia
...More Info
United States: New owners of AB InBev’s Labatt brewery focused on growing their beer brands
...More Info
Uganda: New finance minister proposes tax cuts on local beer
...More Info
Japan & China: Asahi Breweries plans to maintain so far the current stake volume in Tsingtao Brewery
Asahi Breweries Ltd. China representative said the company presently does not consider adding or reducing holding in Tsingtao Brewery Company Limited, SinoCast reported on
...More Info
Belgium: World’s No. 1 brewer said to be planning a benchmark eight-year sterling bond
Anheuser-Busch InBev, the world's largest brewer based in Leuven, Belgium, plans to issue a benchmark eight-year sterling bond, IFR reported on June, 12.
Guidance has
...More Info
Japan: May beer shipments decline, Sapporo Breweries sees no problems due to brisk third-category beer sales
Japan’s beer shipments in May dropped 3.1% from a year earlier to 38.92 mln cases, Japan Times reported on June, 11.
This was the first
...More Info
Russia: Brewer Efes to cut investments, believes in sales growth this year
Turkish brewer Efes intends to more than halve investments in production in Russia this year, Chief Executive Officer Alejandro Jimenez was quoted as saying
...More Info
Canada: Labatt and Brick Brewing settle trade mark disputes out of court
Labatt Brewing Company Limited and Brick Brewing Company have reached a settlement in the trade mark infringement suit filed by the former, CNW reported
...More Info
Russia: Baltika Breweries to launch a malting plant in Yaroslavl region, barley growers plan production increase
According to the governor of Russia’s Yaroslavl region, local farmers are planning to expand barley production as a new malting plant will be launched
...More Info
World: Barley trade forecast left unchanged at 17.18 mln tons in 2009/10
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has left unchanged its forecast of world’s barley trade in 2009/10, at 17.18 mln metric tons (the same
...More Info
Canada: Barley crop to drop by nearly 26% in 2009 - CWB
The CWB released on June, 11 its preliminary crop forecasts, projecting a western Canadian wheat, durum and barley crop of 29.7 million tonnes in
...More Info
United Kingdom: New malting barley variety approved for brewing and awarded the prestigious Cereal Cup
A top-yielding spring barley variety used in beer-making has scooped two prestigious industry achievements in the same month, FarmingUK reported on June, 12.
Quench, from
...More Info
What happens to hop pellets during unexpected warm phases?
Adrian Forster
Today, production and storage of hop products largely take place under defined conditions. Special care is taken that negative influences - such as the presence of oxygen and high temperatures - on the quality are kept to a minimum. Comprehensive documentation on this topic is available (1). On the other hand, there is still little or no interest - as regards transport conditions. Temperature records during long- lasting transportation to Asian and South American countries, however, give rise to further, more intensive investigation. The problem of excessive temperatures, to which hop pellets are sometimes exposed, has already been discussed in a previous paper (2). These results can be supplemented by the
following observations and investigations.
Load full article, 11 pages, 70 Kb, PDF file
Malting and Feed Barley Prices
NB: Prices published are theoretical malt prices including financial cost,
THC (for bulk and bags container) and all administrative costs.
This prices may fluctuate according to the quantity per delivery
and technical specifications.
* - 70/30 = 70% Average two Rows Spring and 30% Six Rows Winter
** - 50/50 = 50% Average two Rows Spring and 50% Six Rows Winter
Barley Market Prices, Crop 2009
Australia Malt Exports 2004 - 2008

Source: USDA, May 2009
June 11
1644 Florentine scientist describe invention of barometer
1742 Benjamin Franklin invents his Franklin stove
1816 Gas Light Co of Baltimore founded
June 12
1849 Gas mask patented by Lewis Haslett, Louisville, Kentucky
1928 After more than 130 years of trading, the New York Stock Exchange finally has its first day on which more than 5 million shares trade hands, as total daily volume hits 5,252,425 shares.
1991 Microsoft releases MS DOS 5.0
June 13
1933 Financial and Economy World conference opens, 66 countries
1934 Black-McKeller Bill passes causes Bill Boeing empire to break up into Boeing United Aircraft
[Technologies] and United Air Lines
1975 1st oil pumped from North Sea oilfield
June 14
1755 1e edition of Dr. Johnsons "Dictionary"
1846 Belgian Liberal Party forms
1946 Canadian Library Association established
1951 1st commercial computer, UNIVAC 1, enters service at Census Bureau
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