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Just click on the price link and you will be led to our Market
Price History. Average barley market prices are French and are
estimated on FOB Creil basis.
Average Malt Prices are theoretical and based FOB Antwerp being
estimated on French malting barley.
The changes are compared to last Newsletter's
prices. Arrows indicate the direction of the change.
Belgium: AB InBev reported to be divesting its central European breweries
...Click here
The Czech Republic: Heineken to close two breweries as part of its total cost management programme
...Click here
South Korea: Retail giant Lotte Group reiterates it might build a brewery, analysts sceptical
...Click here
Europe: Buyout firms attracted by AB InBev’s central European assets - sources
...Click here
Romania: Analysts still see potential for growth in Romania’s saturated beer market
...Click here
Bulgaria: Beer sales may fall by 10% this year – Carlsberg Bulgaria CEO
...Click here
Hong Kong: Kingway Brewery revises annual caps in cooperation with Anchor beer distributor HAPCO
...Click here
South Africa: Heineken plans a malting plant at its soon to be completed brewery
...Click here
Australia: Joe White Maltings to start building a new malthouse already this month
...Click here
Australia: Australia’s barley production to increase by 13% in 2009-10 - ABARE
...Click here
Russia: Barley exports reach record levels in May 2009
...Click here
United States: 2009 hops acreage forecast to be 2% less than last year
...Click here
Belgium: AB InBev completes pricing of eight-year GBP750 mln bond
...More Info
The Netherlands: Heineken to keep raising prices
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Ukraine: Consumers still adhering to the good old lager
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Africa: SABMiller has great expectations for the breweries it plans to build in Africa
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Taiwan & China: Taiwan beer finally approved for sale in China
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Russia: Brewer Efes celebrates a decade of success in the Russian beer market
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Australia: It may be too late to plant Gairdner malting barley variety in the west of Victoria - expert
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Australia: Sources claim a low-carbohydrate version of Victoria Bitter beer is on the cards
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Ukraine: President intends to veto beer excise increase - report
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China: May beer output grows 21.7% year on year
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Finland: Parliament votes for beer tax increase
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Bulgaria: Bolyarka Brewery to invest in new equipment
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Russia: January-May beer output 7.4% less than a year ago
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Baltic region: Beer most loved in Estonia, Latvia ranked third in terms of beer consumption
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India: Tamil Nadu state resorts to imports to make up for beer shortage
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United States: MillerCoors to send beer to US troops in the Middle East for the Independence Day
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Ireland: Diageo cutting jobs to maintain sustainability and competitiveness
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World: Thai beer Singha plans global expansion, prepares international advertising campaign
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Jamaica: Diageo’s Red Stripe brewer to ‘refresh’ leadership
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Belgium: AB InBev reported to be divesting its central European breweries
Anheuser-Busch InBev, the world’s No. 1 brewer, has put up for sale its central and eastern European operations, Belgian newspaper Le Soir reported on
...More Info
The Czech Republic: Heineken to close two breweries as part of its total cost management programme
Heineken NV, the Netherlands-based world's third-largest brewer, will close two breweries in the Czech Republic, Reuters cited a company statement on June, 15.
Heineken, whose
...More Info
South Korea: Retail giant Lotte Group reiterates it might build a brewery, analysts sceptical
South Korean retail giant Lotte Group confirmed on June, 16 it might build a brewery to become the country's third beer company, after it
...More Info
Europe: Buyout firms attracted by AB InBev’s central European assets - sources
Private equity firms are interested in buying Anheuser-Busch InBev's central and Eastern European operations, Dow Jones Newswires cited on June, 16 people familiar with
...More Info
Romania: Analysts still see potential for growth in Romania’s saturated beer market
The presence of the most important international brewing groups as well as the big number of local brands on the Romanian beer market testify
...More Info
Bulgaria: Beer sales may fall by 10% this year – Carlsberg Bulgaria CEO
Bulgaria’s beer consumption will continue falling this year, Carlsberg Bulgaria CEO Alexander Gruncharov was quoted as saying by on June, 16.
In 2008, beer
...More Info
Hong Kong: Kingway Brewery revises annual caps in cooperation with Anchor beer distributor HAPCO
Hong Kong-based Kingway Brewery Holdings Limited announced on June, 12 that it proposes to revise some terms of cooperation with HAPCO, a wholly-owned subsidiary
...More Info
South Africa: Heineken plans a malting plant at its soon to be completed brewery
Heineken NV, the world's third-largest brewer, is in talks to build a malting facility at its new brewery in South Africa, Reuters reported on
...More Info
Australia: Joe White Maltings to start building a new malthouse already this month
Australia's largest maltster, Joe White Maltings, expects to start construction of a new barley malting plant at Minto in southern-western Sydney by the end
...More Info
Australia: Australia’s barley production to increase by 13% in 2009-10 - ABARE
According to the latest Australian Crop Report by ABARE, the nation’s area sown to barley in 2009-10 is forecast to fall by 1 per
...More Info
Russia: Barley exports reach record levels in May 2009
According to preliminary data, the exports of Russian barley amounted to 0.58 mln tons in May 2009, Sovecon reported on June, 11.
This is not
...More Info
United States: 2009 hops acreage forecast to be 2% less than last year
The USDA National Ag Statistics Survey released its 2009 Hop Acreage forecast on June, 10.
Overall, US hop acreage strung for harvest in Oregon,
...More Info
Tetrazolium Staining, Mitochondria, and Barley Quality
Dennis E. Briggs, Stanley M. Sole, and Philip Latham
J. Inst. Brew. 115(1), 41–48, 2009
Triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC) staining of individual isolated
barley aleurone layers was carried out under aseptic conditions
and the amount of formazan generated under a standardized
incubation period was quantified. The nature of the tests
minimized or excluded the influences of grain damage, ageing
or contaminating microorganisms. Embryos from selected Triumph
barley grains, having intensely or poorly staining aleurone
layers, were grown on to maturity. Collected grain was analysed
and embryos from the highest-staining progeny from the highstaining
aleurone line and the lowest-staining progeny of the
low-staining aleurone line were grown on to yield grain of the
second selected generations. Aleurone layers of the high-staining
line continued to stain intensely, respired strongly, and generated
large amounts of alpha-amylase in response to gibberellic acid and
embryos from these grains respired and grew vigorously, as did
whole grains. In contrast, the aleurone layers of grains from the
low-staining line continued to stain poorly and respired weakly,
generated little alpha-amylase in response to gibberellic acid, the
embryos respired slowly and lacked vigour and, like the whole
grains, grew poorly. It is proposed that these results are the consequence
of the selection procedure separating lines with superior
and inferior mitochondria. If this apparently novel approach
using TTC staining is confirmed as being valid, it opens a new
way for plant breeders to select for more vigorous cereal lines.
Key words: Barley, mitochondria, novel plant-breeding possibilities,
tetrazolium chloride (TTC) staining, uniformity, vigour.
Load full article, 8 pages, 131 Kb, PDF file
Malting and Feed Barley Prices
NB: Prices published are theoretical malt prices including financial cost,
THC (for bulk and bags container) and all administrative costs.
This prices may fluctuate according to the quantity per delivery
and technical specifications.
* - 70/30 = 70% Average two Rows Spring and 30% Six Rows Winter
** - 50/50 = 50% Average two Rows Spring and 50% Six Rows Winter
Barley Market Prices, Crop 2009

Source: ABARE, June 2009
Australia Malt Exports 2004 - 2008
June 15
1762 Austria uses 1st paper currency
1909 1st U.S. airplane sold commercially, by Glenn Curtiss for $5,000
1949 Gas turbine-electric locomotive demonstrated, Erie Pa
June 16
1903 Pepsi Cola Company forms
1903 Ford Motors incorporates
1963 1st woman in space, aboard Vostok 6
1983 European Space Agency launches European Comm Satellite 1, Oscar 10
June 17
1885 Statue of Liberty arrived in New York City
1970 Edwin Land patents Polaroid camera
1988 Microsoft releases MS DOS 4.0
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