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Just click on the price link and you will be led to our Market
Price History. Average barley market prices are French and are
estimated on FOB Creil basis.
Average Malt Prices are theoretical and based FOB Antwerp being
estimated on French malting barley.
The changes are compared to last Newsletter's
prices. Arrows indicate the direction of the change.
Belgium: AB InBev said to be seeking binding bids for its Central and Eastern European operations by mid-July
...Click here
United States & Canada: Molson Coors Brewing Co. ready to consider any purchase that reinforces existing operations - CEO
...Click here
Germany: Carlsberg negotiating sale of one of its German breweries
...Click here
China: Asahi Breweries to expand Tsingtao sales force and production capacity
...Click here
Russia: Efes Breweries International to increase share capital in its Russian subsidiary
...Click here
South Africa: SABMiller should beware of Heineken/Diageo brewery in South Africa - analysts
...Click here
Bulgaria: AB InBev’s Bulgarian brewer sees sales increase, net profit plummet in 2008
...Click here
The Czech Republic: Brewer Budejovicky Budvar specifies 2008 production and sales results
...Click here
World: World malt trade to drop by 2% in the current marketing year - IGC
...Click here
World: International Grain Council expects barley production and trade to fall, consumption to remain unchanged in 2009/10
...Click here
World: ABARE forecasts world barley production to decrease by 9 mln tonnes in 2009-10
...Click here
France: Alsace hop growers to harvest just 450 ha this year
...Click here
United States: AB InBev brewing an overhaul of its US beer distribution network - report
...More Info
The Czech Republic: Heineken rumoured to be planning to merge its Kralovsky Pivovar Krusovice brewery with beverage group Drinks Union
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Romania: Brewer URBB not planning to expand portfolio, hopes for a hot summer to compensate the first five months drop
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South Korea: Koreans switching to canned beer in difficult economic times
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The Czech Republic & Australia: Budweiser Budvar starts exporting its pale lager in kegs to Australia
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The Netherlands: Heineken urged to put up beer price in supermarkets
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Uganda: Nile Breweries Limited reports growth in FY ended March 2009
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Romania: Heineken not to brew Dracula and Sovata brands any more
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India: Heineken brewing a promo campaign to escalate beer sales in India
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Zimbabwe: Brewer Delta Beverages to increase production following the installation of new equipment
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The Czech Republic: Budweiser Budvar brewery says its new Pardál Echt Pale Lager is available across the country since the beginning of this month
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Asia Pacific: Diageo appoints new President of its Asia-Pacific region
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Belgium: AB InBev said to be seeking binding bids for its Central and Eastern European operations by mid-July
Anheuser-Busch InBev is seeking binding bids by mid-July for its Central and Eastern European operations, after CVC Capital Management sent the brewer an unsolicited
...More Info
United States & Canada: Molson Coors Brewing Co. ready to consider any purchase that reinforces existing operations - CEO
Molson Coors Brewing Co. President and Chief Executive Officer Peter Swinburn said the company is willing to take on more debt for an acquisition
...More Info
Germany: Carlsberg negotiating sale of one of its German breweries
Danish brewing giant Carlsberg Group is selling its German brewery in Braunschweig, the company’s German communication officer, Udo Dewies, was quoted as saying by
...More Info
China: Asahi Breweries to expand Tsingtao sales force and production capacity
Asahi Breweries Ltd. will expand its Chinese sales force and production capacity dedicated to the Tsingtao Beer brand, the Wall Street Journal cited a
...More Info
Russia: Efes Breweries International to increase share capital in its Russian subsidiary
Efes Breweries International N.V. (“EBI”) announced on June, 19 that the General Shareholders' Meeting of Moscow Efes Brewery (“MEB”), EBI’s operating subsidiary in Russia,
...More Info
South Africa: SABMiller should beware of Heineken/Diageo brewery in South Africa - analysts
With a new South African brewery producing the brands of Heineken NV and Diageo PLC about to come on-stream in the next few months,
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Bulgaria: AB InBev’s Bulgarian brewer sees sales increase, net profit plummet in 2008
AB InBev’s Bulgarian brewing subsidiary Kamenitza AD reported a 16.5% increase in sales to BGL117.7 mln in 2008, communicated on June, 22.
The brewer’s
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The Czech Republic: Brewer Budejovicky Budvar specifies 2008 production and sales results
Czech state-owned brewer Budejovicky Budvar NP's production rose 4.75% on the year in 2008 to 1.31 million hectolitres, Dow Jones reported on June, 24.
...More Info
World: World malt trade to drop by 2% in the current marketing year - IGC
World trade in barley malt in 2008/09 (July/June) is estimated at 6.2 mln tons (grain equivalent), 150,000 tons less than previously forecast and 2%
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World: International Grain Council expects barley production and trade to fall, consumption to remain unchanged in 2009/10
According to IGC’s World Grain report published on May, 29, world barley production in 2009/10 is forecast to fall to 144.6 mln tons despite
...More Info
World: ABARE forecasts world barley production to decrease by 9 mln tonnes in 2009-10
World barley production is forecast to fall by 9 mln tonnes in 2009-10 to 145 mln tonnes, according to the latest Australian Commodities report
...More Info
France: Barley exports estimates revised upwards
The estimates of France’s barley exports to other EU nations have been revised upwards to more than 3.7 mln tonnes (+ 125,000 tonnes on
...More Info
France: Alsace hop growers to harvest just 450 ha this year
Alsace hops growers will gather in the crops from only 450 hectares this year whereas the region’s 2008 hop acreage was 760 hectares, DNA
...More Info
Construction of a Single PEP4 Allele Deletion in Saccharomyces carlsbergensis and a Preliminary Evaluation of Its Brewing Performance
Junguang Hao, Jianjun Dong, R. Alex. Speers, Wei Shen1, Lianju Shan, Wei Fan,
Qi Li, Guoxian Gu and Jian Chen
J. Inst. Brew. 114(4), 322–328, 2008
The secretion of proteinase A (encoded by PEP4) from brewer’s
yeast is detrimental to the foam stability of unpasteurized beer.
The aim of this study was to construct mutants of the allopolyploid
Saccharomyces carlsbergensis strain TT, which were partially
or completely deficient in proteinase A activity. Allelic
PEP4 genes were consecutively disrupted by using the Cre-loxP
recombination system combined with PCR-mediated gene disruption.
A single PEP4 deletion mutant TT-M was successfully
constructed. However, no viable mutant could be obtained when
the second allelic PEP4 gene was deleted. The brewing performances
of the parent strain and the modified strain were compared
on a 100 L pilot fermenter scale. Proteinase A activity in
fermented wort brewed with mutant strain TT-M was significantly
lower (p<0.05) than that of the parent strain TT, whereas
no significant difference on either maltose or maltotriose assimilation
(p>0.05) was found. The mutant TT-M remained genetically
stable, as shown by diagnostic PCR, after re-streaking for
20 generations. The flavor and taste of the final fermented wort,
brewed with the mutant strain TT-M, was evaluated by the
Tsingtao expert sensory panel, and found to be comparable to
that of the parent strain and exhibited no distinct defects. The
flavor component profiles of these two finished products were
also comparable. The study demonstrated allelic genes in polyploid
industrial yeasts could be efficiently and consecutively
deleted by the retractive primer disruption strategy, and the mutant
of Saccharomyces carlsbergensis partially deficient in proteinase
A contributed to an improvement in foam stability.
Key words: Beer foam stability, gene disruption, PEP4, Proteinase A.
Load full article, 7 pages, 1348 Kb, PDF file
Malting and Feed Barley Prices
NB: Prices published are theoretical malt prices including financial cost,
THC (for bulk and bags container) and all administrative costs.
This prices may fluctuate according to the quantity per delivery
and technical specifications.
* - 70/30 = 70% Average two Rows Spring and 30% Six Rows Winter
** - 50/50 = 50% Average two Rows Spring and 50% Six Rows Winter
French Malting Barley Prices Evolution Crop 2008
Canada Beer Sales per Packaging 2008

Source: ABARE
June 22
1899 Michal Kalecki, Polish economist, is born
1775 US Congress authorizes the first issuance of Continental Currency, or U.S. paper money
June 23
1848 Antoine Joseph Sax patents Saxophone
1907 James Meade, English Economist, is born
June 24
1839 Gustavus Franklin Swift, founded Swift and Co
1932 David McTaggart, co-founder Greenpeace, is born
1963 1st demonstration of home video recorder, at BBC Studios, London
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