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The Statistics section includes Barley statistics, Malt statistics
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Beer Statistics section.
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Just click on the price link and you will be led to our Market
Price History. Average barley market prices are French and are
estimated on FOB Creil basis.
Average Malt Prices are theoretical and based FOB Antwerp being
estimated on French malting barley.
The changes are compared to last Newsletter's
prices. Arrows indicate the direction of the change.
Belgium: AB InBev sets late July as deadline for bids in sale of its European operations - report
...Click here
Europe: SABMiller cuts annual volume growth target for Europe to 2 - 4 percent
...Click here
Japan: Total beer shipments grow just 0.2% in the first half of this year, Kirin leads for the first time in three years
...Click here
Chile: Brewer CCU reports preliminary Q2 and H1 results
...Click here
EU: Brewers stocks down on report Russia may triple its beer tax
...Click here
Japan: Asahi Breweries total beer sales decline by 1.3% in the first half of 2009
...Click here
France: This year’s barley crop to be just about 2% smaller than in 2008
...Click here
Canada & Australia: Viterra committed to taking over ABB Grain despite its reducing profit forecast
...Click here
United Kingdom: SABMiller reportedly planning a debut euro benchmark bond
...More Info
Latvia: Brewers and retailers ask for permission to sell beer in the night-time
...More Info
Angola: SABMiller to open this year a new brewery
...More Info
Nigeria: SABMiller to increase eight-fold the output at its Pabod Breweries by early 2010
...More Info
Vietnam: New brewery to be put into operation by the second quarter of next year
...More Info
Germany: Focus on the buyer of Carlsberg’s Feldschloesschen brewery
...More Info
Russia: SABMiller RUS now pouring Miller Genuine Draft in cans
...More Info
India: Therapeutic bio beer to be launched in several states this year
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Laos: Asia Pacific Breweries names new head for its Laos operations
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Mexico & United States: Femsa makes Most Interesting Man in the World responsible for its beer sales
...More Info
Moldova: Efes Vitanta Moldova Brewery to have a new CEO as from August
...More Info
Ethiopia: Brewers struggling with electricity problems
...More Info
Belgium: AB InBev sets late July as deadline for bids in sale of its European operations - report
Anheuser-Busch InBev has extended the deadline for bids in the sale of its Central and Eastern European operations to late July, Dow Jones Newswires
...More Info
Europe: SABMiller cuts annual volume growth target for Europe to 2 - 4 percent
SABMiller Plc, the world’s second- biggest brewer, has cut its forecast for European sales growth as the global recession weighs on consumer demand and
...More Info
Japan: Total beer shipments grow just 0.2% in the first half of this year, Kirin leads for the first time in three years
Kirin Holdings Co. Ltd. regained the top spot in the domestic beer market for the first time in three years, Dow Jones cited beer
...More Info
Chile: Brewer CCU reports preliminary Q2 and H1 results
Chilean brewer Compania Cervecerias Unidas SA (CCU) reported on July, 7 its preliminary second quarter consolidated volumes.
The company’s total sales volume increased by 4.3%
...More Info
EU: Brewers stocks down on report Russia may triple its beer tax
Brewers Carlsberg, Heineken and Anheuser-Busch InBev lead the field of European blue chip losers after a report that Russia may triple its beer tax,
...More Info
Japan: Asahi Breweries total beer sales decline by 1.3% in the first half of 2009
Japan’s Asahi Breweries reported its June 2009 sales on July, 9.
The company said its total beer sales increased by 3.9 per cent to 221,558
...More Info
France: This year’s barley crop to be just about 2% smaller than in 2008
France is expected to harvest an excellent barley crop of about 12 mln tonnes this year, FranceAgriMer communicated its initial estimates on July, 8.
...More Info
Canada & Australia: Viterra committed to taking over ABB Grain despite its reducing profit forecast
Canadian grain-handling company Viterra Inc said its acquisition of ABB Grains Ltd remains on track, a day after the Australian company cut its profit
...More Info
The Influence of Heavy Metal Ions on Beer Flavour Stability
C. Zufall1, and Th. Tyrell
J. Inst. Brew. 114(2), 134–142, 2008
In this study, the importance of iron and copper ions and their radical formation via the respective Fenton and Haber-Weiss reactions was confirmed. Of the other heavy metals present in the brewing process in relevant concentrations, the impact of manganese ions on beer flavour stability has been elucidated. In contrast to iron and copper, manganese ions are not removed from wort or beer to any great extent during the process. Additionally, manganese shows a similar radical-promoting effect to that seen with iron and copper. Its reactivity, and typically higher concentration than the other two metals in beer, appear to make manganese an especially potent pro-oxidant in beer. The results of the investigation clearly indicate that there are other heavy metals influencing the stale flavour characteristics of beer, in addition to the well-known metals, iron and copper. In contrast to the aforementioned ions, manganese does not enter the product by being leached out of a tank or from piping materials, but rather comes from the cereals employed in brewing. This finding, concerning the importance of manganese as a redox system in beer staling, can serve as a basis for a different approach in the choice of raw materials.
Key words: chemiluminescence, copper, flavour stability, heavy metal ions, iron, manganese, radical reactions.
Load full article, 9 pages, 0.98 MB , PDF file
Malting and Feed Barley Prices
NB: Prices published are theoretical malt prices including financial cost,
THC (for bulk and bags container) and all administrative costs.
This prices may fluctuate according to the quantity per delivery
and technical specifications.
* - 70/30 = 70% Average two Rows Spring and 30% Six Rows Winter
** - 50/50 = 50% Average two Rows Spring and 50% Six Rows Winter
EU Malt Export Licence Fixations

Source: FAS USDA
July 9
1815 - 1st natural gas well in U.S. is discovered.
1875 - The Bombay Stock Exchange is founded in Bombay (now Mumbai), India.
1953 - 1st helicopter passenger service, New York City.
1957 - Announcement of discovery of atomic element 102 - nobelium.
July 10
1933 - 1st police radio system operated, Eastchester Township, New York.
1949 - 1st practical rectangular TV tube announced-Toledo, Oh.
1958 - 1st parking meter installed in England (625 installed).
July 11
1934 - FDR became 1st pres to travel through Panama Canal.
1962 - 1st transatlantic TV transmission via satellite (Telstar I).
1985 - Coca-Cola announces the return of Coke Classic after the company had tried displacing the old formula with New Coke.
July 12
1793 - The world's first optical telecommunications network is launched.
1854 - George Eastman is born, future founder of “Kodak”.
1859 - Paper bag manufacturing machine patents by William Goodale, Massachusetts.
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