Newsletter Summary
Last five Flashes
Last five graphs
Note: All graphs issued with newsletters
are published in "Graph" section
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Last five tables
All tables are published in Statistics section.
The Statistics section includes Barley statistics, Malt statistics
and Beer statistics. The tables related to barley are published in
Barley Statistics section, the tables related to malt in
Malt Statistics section and the tables related to beer in
Beer Statistics section.
Last five prices evolution
Last five scientific digests
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Just click on the price link and you will be led to our Market
Price History. Average barley market prices are French and are
estimated on FOB Creil basis.
Average Malt Prices are theoretical and based FOB Antwerp being
estimated on French malting barley.
The changes are compared to last Newsletter's
prices. Arrows indicate the direction of the change.
Asia: A bright future forecast for the brewing industry
...Click here
Japan & China: Asahi Breweries intends to acquire the remaining shares it does not already own in Beijing Beer Asahi Co.
...Click here
Mexico: Leading brewer Grupo Modelo announces Q2 and H1 2009 results
...Click here
Denmark: Carlsberg expected to maintain its operating profit forecast
...Click here
India: Beer volumes rise 6% in the April – June quarter
...Click here
Russia: SUN InBev posts a RUB380.4 mln net loss for 2008
...Click here
United States: Barley markets steady, reports indicate barley crop is doing well
...Click here
United Kingdom: Total barley area up by 13.4% this year - HGCA
...Click here
Ukraine: Barley production forecast for 2009 increased to 14 mln tons
...Click here
EU: KKR reportedly out of bidding for AB InBev’s European assets, other private equity firms preparing their offers for July 27
...More Info
India: United Breweries likely to show around 12-13% rise in volume in Q1 of FY2010
...More Info
China & United Kingdom: China Investment Corp acquires a 1.1% stake in Diageo
...More Info
Mexico: Beer market forecast to stagnate in 2009, slightly decline next year
...More Info
United Kingdom: AB InBev rumoured to be planning the sale of Scotland’s most popular lager
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United States: New malting barley varieties find it hard to win the favour of US brewers
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Estonia: Brewer A. Le Coq sums up results of 2008
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Romania: Bere Azuga’ majority shareholder plans to increase four-fold the common capital of the brewer
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United Kingdom: Molson Coors UK to distribute Thai beer Singha as from the end of this month
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Azerbaijan & Georgia: Baltika starts exporting to Georgia the production of its Azerbaijani brewery
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United Kingdom: Norfolk barley ‘perfect’ so far
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Sierra Leone: Sierra Leone Brewery records net profit of Le1.2 bln for 2008
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Ukraine: Obolon brewery turns to First Vice-Premier to ‘fire-extinguish’ beer quarrel with Belarus
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New Zealand: DB Breweries ready to fight for the beer term ‘radler’ it has trade-marked in 2003
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Latvia: Aldaris increases its share of the Latvian beer market by 4.6% in June
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Asia: A bright future forecast for the brewing industry
Asia is forecast to post strong growth for beer consumption in years to come, Reuters communicated on July, 19.
In China and India, as well
...More Info
Japan & China: Asahi Breweries intends to acquire the remaining shares it does not already own in Beijing Beer Asahi Co.
Japanese brewer Asahi Breweries Ltd. intends to acquire the 21.61% stake in Beijing Beer Asahi Co., Ltd. put up for auction at the China
...More Info
Mexico: Leading brewer Grupo Modelo announces Q2 and H1 2009 results
Grupo Modelo, S.A.B. de C.V. and Subsidiaries, the leading brewer in Mexico and producer of the best-selling Mexican beer in the world, announced on
...More Info
Denmark: Carlsberg expected to maintain its operating profit forecast
Nomura has maintained its "buy" rating and the share price target of DKK450 on Danish Carlsberg A/S, expecting the brewer to raise its market
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Bulgaria: First half beer sales drop 4%
The Union of Brewers in Bulgaria (UBB) reported on July, 20 a 4% decline in sales from January to June 2009, pinning the bulk
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India: Beer volumes rise 6% in the April – June quarter
The delayed monsoon has brought some cheer to the Indian beer industry as volumes rose 6% in the first quarter, The Economic Times posted
...More Info
Russia: SUN InBev posts a RUB380.4 mln net loss for 2008
SUN InBev, AB InBev’s Russian subsidiary, posted net losses of 380.4 million roubles in 2008 compared to 1.7 billion roubles in net profit in
...More Info
United States: Barley markets steady, reports indicate barley crop is doing well
The US barley markets continued in their summer holding pattern due to the lack of any news that would steer them in one direction
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United Kingdom: Total barley area up by 13.4% this year - HGCA
The total area sown to barley in the UK for harvest 2009 has seen a significant increase compared to a year ago, according to
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Ukraine: Barley production forecast for 2009 increased to 14 mln tons
The Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation has adjusted its forecast for the nation’s barley production in 2009, Agrimarket communicated on July, 22.
Ukraine is expected to harvest
...More Info
The Horace Brown Medal Lecture:
Forty Years of Brewing Research
Graham G. Stewart
J. Inst. Brew. 115(1), 3–29, 2009
Horace Brown spent fifty years conducting brewing research in
Burton-on-Trent, Dublin and London. His contributions were
remarkable and his focus was to solve practical brewing problems
by employing and developing fundamental scientific principles.
He studied all aspects of the brewing process including
raw materials, wort preparation, fermentation, yeast and beer
stability. As a number of previous presenters of the Horace
Brown Lecture have discussed Brown’s achievements in detail,
the focus of this paper is a review of the brewing research that
has been conducted by the author and his colleagues during the
past forty years. Similar to Horace Brown, fundamental research
has been employed to solve brewing problems. Research studies
that are discussed in this review paper include reasons for premature
flocculation of ale strains resulting in wort underattenuation
including mechanisms of co-flocculation and pure strain
flocculation, storage procedures for yeast cultures prior to propagation,
studies on the genetic manipulation of brewer’s yeast
strains with an emphasis on the FLO1 gene, spheroplast fusion
and the respiratory deficient (petite) mutation, the uptake and
metabolism of wort sugars and amino acids, the influence of
wort density on fermentation characteristics and beer flavour and
stability, and finally, the contribution that high gravity brewing
has on brewing capacity, fermentation efficiency and beer
quality and stability.
Key words: Co-flocculation, flavour, flocculation, genetic manipulation,
high gravity brewing, petite mutation, propagation,
stability, wort clarity and composition, yeast management.
Load full article, 27 pages, 45 508 MB , PDF file
Malting and Feed Barley Prices
NB: Prices published are theoretical malt prices including financial cost,
THC (for bulk and bags container) and all administrative costs.
This prices may fluctuate according to the quantity per delivery
and technical specifications.
* - 70/30 = 70% Average two Rows Spring and 30% Six Rows Winter
** - 50/50 = 50% Average two Rows Spring and 50% Six Rows Winter
20 July
1837 Opening of London's first major railway station - at Euston
1868 1st use of tax stamps on cigarettes
1992 Charles Schwab opens its “mutual fund supermarket,” allowing investors to choose from hundreds of different funds without paying transaction fees, as it introduces its OneSource program.
21 July
1955 Ian Donald made his first investigation of the use of ultrasound in medical diagnosis
1969 Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong was the first man to walk on the Moon
22 July
1872 Mahlon Loomis patents wireless radio
1961 1st in-flight movie shown, TWA
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