Newsletter Summary
Last five Flashes
Last five graphs
Note: All graphs issued with newsletters
are published in "Graph" section
of site.
Last five tables
All tables are published in Statistics section.
The Statistics section includes Barley statistics, Malt statistics
and Beer statistics. The tables related to barley are published in
Barley Statistics section, the tables related to malt in
Malt Statistics section and the tables related to beer in
Beer Statistics section.
Last five prices evolution
Last five scientific digests
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Just click on the price link and you will be led to our Market
Price History. Average barley market prices are French and are
estimated on FOB Creil basis.
Average Malt Prices are theoretical and based FOB Antwerp being
estimated on French malting barley.
The changes are compared to last Newsletter's
prices. Arrows indicate the direction of the change.
India: United Breweries reports a 57% increase in net profit for the quarter ended June 30
...Click here
Brazil: AmBev fined for unfair competition, analysts assure penalty won’t hurt profit
...Click here
South Korea: Hite Holdings plans to secure a 30% stake in its brewery arm
...Click here
United Kingdom: Beer volumes fell 10% in May - Nielsen
...Click here
Russia: Legal dispute between the largest maltster and the largest brewer continues
...Click here
France: Final estimates of 2008/09 barley exports within EU increased, the new campaign expected to reinforce France’s position on the international barley market
...Click here
Canada: Malting barley value declines, feed barley unchanged in CWB’s July Pool Return Outlooks
...Click here
EU: Harvest under way, malting barley prices decrease
...Click here
Europe: World’s largest hop supplier files a lawsuit against a European brewer
...Click here
EU: Experts share views on funding AB InBev’s sale of European brewing assets
...More Info
United States: Beer’s consumer price index up despite slight decline in overall industry
...More Info
China & United Kingdom: Shares in Diageo bought in reality by the People's Bank of China
...More Info
Spain: Ministry of Agriculture reduces barley crop forecast
...More Info
Switzerland: Beer consumption on the rise in 2008
...More Info
Turkey: Anadolu Efes’ possible buyout of its international brewing operations will hardly affect its rating – Fitch Ratings
...More Info
Russia: New beers launched this year belong mostly to the premium segment
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United States: Idaho barley growers encouraged by the potential of Charles
...More Info
The Czech Republic: Brewer Budweiser Budvar to invest in returnable beer packaging
...More Info
EU: The Brewers of Europe investigate the balance between price and alcohol consumption
...More Info
United Kingdom: SABMiller to construct a global brewing research facility
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India: United Breweries reports a 57% increase in net profit for the quarter ended June 30
United Breweries (UB), India's largest beer maker, has posted a strong 57 per cent increase in net profit to Rs 355 mln for the
...More Info
Brazil: AmBev fined for unfair competition, analysts assure penalty won’t hurt profit
Cia. de Bebidas das Americas (AmBev) dropped the most in more than three months after Brazil’s antitrust regulator fined Latin America’s biggest brewer 353
...More Info
South Korea: Hite Holdings plans to secure a 30% stake in its brewery arm
Hite Holdings slid after the company said in a filing to the Korea Exchange late on July, 22 it would issue 11.4 million new
...More Info
United Kingdom: Beer volumes fell 10% in May - Nielsen
Beer volumes fell 10 per cent in UK’s on-trade in May, Publican cited latest figures from Nielsen on July, 24.
Graham Page, consultant for Nielsen,
...More Info
Russia: Legal dispute between the largest maltster and the largest brewer continues
Russkiy Solod, a leading Russian maltster, has filed a lawsuit against the nation’s largest brewer Baltika Breweries. “This time, the case concerns a malt
...More Info
France: Final estimates of 2008/09 barley exports within EU increased, the new campaign expected to reinforce France’s position on the international barley market
The prospects for sales of French barley 2008/09 to Spain and the north destination improved by the end of the campaign thus raising estimates
...More Info
Canada: Malting barley value declines, feed barley unchanged in CWB’s July Pool Return Outlooks
The CWB released on July, 23 its latest monthly Pool Return Outlooks (PRO) for the 2008-09 and the 2009-10 crop years.
PRO Commentary
2008-09 crop year
...More Info
EU: Harvest under way, malting barley prices decrease
Harvesting works advance gradually across the EU but buyers are taking their time waiting for comprehensive information on new crop spring barley quality and
...More Info
Europe: World’s largest hop supplier files a lawsuit against a European brewer
A division of the world’s largest hop supplier, Barth-Haas Group, has begun legal proceedings against an unnamed European brewer for allegedly breaching a forward
...More Info
The Horace Brown Medal Lecture:
Forty Years of Brewing Research
Graham G. Stewart
J. Inst. Brew. 115(1), 3–29, 2009
Horace Brown spent fifty years conducting brewing research in
Burton-on-Trent, Dublin and London. His contributions were
remarkable and his focus was to solve practical brewing problems
by employing and developing fundamental scientific principles.
He studied all aspects of the brewing process including
raw materials, wort preparation, fermentation, yeast and beer
stability. As a number of previous presenters of the Horace
Brown Lecture have discussed Brown’s achievements in detail,
the focus of this paper is a review of the brewing research that
has been conducted by the author and his colleagues during the
past forty years. Similar to Horace Brown, fundamental research
has been employed to solve brewing problems. Research studies
that are discussed in this review paper include reasons for premature
flocculation of ale strains resulting in wort underattenuation
including mechanisms of co-flocculation and pure strain
flocculation, storage procedures for yeast cultures prior to propagation,
studies on the genetic manipulation of brewer’s yeast
strains with an emphasis on the FLO1 gene, spheroplast fusion
and the respiratory deficient (petite) mutation, the uptake and
metabolism of wort sugars and amino acids, the influence of
wort density on fermentation characteristics and beer flavour and
stability, and finally, the contribution that high gravity brewing
has on brewing capacity, fermentation efficiency and beer
quality and stability.
Key words: Co-flocculation, flavour, flocculation, genetic manipulation,
high gravity brewing, petite mutation, propagation,
stability, wort clarity and composition, yeast management.
Load full article, 27 pages, 45 508 MB , PDF file
Malting and Feed Barley Prices
NB: Prices published are theoretical malt prices including financial cost,
THC (for bulk and bags container) and all administrative costs.
This prices may fluctuate according to the quantity per delivery
and technical specifications.
* - 70/30 = 70% Average two Rows Spring and 30% Six Rows Winter
** - 50/50 = 50% Average two Rows Spring and 50% Six Rows Winter
23 July
776BC Officially recorded date of the first Olympic Games at Olympia, Greece
1829 William Burt patented a forerunner of the typewriter
1886 Gottlieb Daimler (1834-1900) invented the car
24 July
1847 Richard M. Hoe patented the rotary type printing press, NYC.
1938 Instant coffee invented.
1987 IBM-PC DOS Version 3.3 (updated) released
25 July
1978 The world's first test-tube baby, Louise Joy Brown, was born in Lancashire, England.
1946 1st bikini is shown at a Paris fashion show.
1984 Cosmonaut Svetlana Savitskaya became 1st woman to walk in space
26 July
1656 Rembrandt declares he is insolvent
1835 1st sugar cane plantation started in Hawaii.
1908 FBI founded
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