Newsletter Summary
Last five Flashes
Last five graphs
Note: All graphs issued with newsletters
are published in "Graph" section
of site.
Last five tables
All tables are published in Statistics section.
The Statistics section includes Barley statistics, Malt statistics
and Beer statistics. The tables related to barley are published in
Barley Statistics section, the tables related to malt in
Malt Statistics section and the tables related to beer in
Beer Statistics section.
Last five prices evolution
Last five scientific digests
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Just click on the price link and you will be led to our Market
Price History. Average barley market prices are French and are
estimated on FOB Creil basis.
Average Malt Prices are theoretical and based FOB Antwerp being
estimated on French malting barley.
The changes are compared to last Newsletter's
prices. Arrows indicate the direction of the change.
Mexico: FEMSA discusses ‘opportunities’ for its beer business
...Click here
The Netherlands: Heineken successfully places 7-year EUR400 million Notes
...Click here
World: Market share to become of extreme importance for the brewers in the nearest future - report
...Click here
Russia: Carlsberg to fight against a proposed increase in beer excise duties
...Click here
World: Molson Coors CEO expects further consolidation of the global beer market albeit at a slower pace
...Click here
United States: Crown Imports sells less Corona beer in the second quarter of the fiscal 2010
...Click here
United Kingdom: Not a pretty picture for malting barley until maybe 2011 - expert
...Click here
Ukraine: Ukraine forecast to become the world’s largest barley exporter in 2009/10
...Click here
Australia: Foster’s could be next for takeover; recent sale of a vineyard could prove the brewer has begun divesting its wine assets
...More Info
The Czech Republic: Small Czech brewers will not survive increased tax on beer – president of the Czech Beer and Malt Association
...More Info
Spain: Barley production estimate revised downwards
...More Info
Ukraine: Beer retail sales down 20.4% in February – August this year
...More Info
United States: Bud Light Golden Wheat to hit store shelves nationwide on October, 5
...More Info
World: Carlsberg reviewing its global media business
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Denmark: Carlsberg downgraded to sell on Russia’s proposed beer tax
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United States: AB InBev completes sale of its four metal can and lid manufacturing plants
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Mexico: FEMSA discusses ‘opportunities’ for its beer business
Fomento Economico Mexicano SAB, or FEMSA, has confirmed being in talks "with several parties to explore opportunities involving its beer business" but added in
...More Info
The Netherlands: Heineken successfully places 7-year EUR400 million Notes
Dutch brewer Heineken N.V. announced on October, 1 that it has successfully placed 7-year Euro Notes for a principal amount of EUR400 million with
...More Info
World: Market share to become of extreme importance for the brewers in the nearest future - report
In the beer industry, superior market share leads to superior margins, a recently published research by Rabobank Group states.
In the next five years, market
...More Info
Russia: Carlsberg to fight against a proposed increase in beer excise duties
Danish brewer Carlsberg said it will continue to argue against a 200% increase in excise duties on beer, which the Russian government has just
...More Info
World: Molson Coors CEO expects further consolidation of the global beer market albeit at a slower pace
Peter Swinburn, chief executive of Molson Coors, the US-Canadian brewer, expects further consolidation of the global beer market, “albeit at a slower pace” as
...More Info
United States: Crown Imports sells less Corona beer in the second quarter of the fiscal 2010
Crown Imports, the joint venture of Mexican brewer Grupo Modelo and US wine and spirits maker Constellation Brands, which distributes Corona beer in the
...More Info
EU: Malting barley wanted no earlier than 2010/11
The activity in the EU malting barley markets remains limited to only 2010/2011 crop year, La Depeche reported on October, 2.
Most deals on malting
...More Info
United Kingdom: Not a pretty picture for malting barley until maybe 2011 - expert
Finding a market for malting barley and gaining a significant premium will be tough in 2009/2010, Farmers Guardia communicated on October, 2.
With current market
...More Info
Ukraine: Ukraine forecast to become the world’s largest barley exporter in 2009/10
In 2009/10, Ukraine will become the largest barley exporter in the world, boldly forecast on October, 1.
Low domestic prices and poor crop at
...More Info
Effects of Vessel Geometry, Fermenting Volume and Yeast Repitching on Fermenting Beer
R. A. Speers and Scott Stokes
J. Inst. Brew. 115(2), 148–150, 2009
This paper statistically examines the effect of tank shape and size, fermenting volume and yeast pitching number on fermentation parameters routinely monitored in a series of industrial fermentations. With the fermenter tanks employed in this pilot study, little effect of tank shape existed between any of the parameters. The number of brews fermented or fermenting volume had a significant difference (p<0.05) on the apparent extract at 48 h, the final pH and the apparent degree of fermentation (ADF). Interestingly, the number of yeast repitchings (up to 13) did not show any effect on any of the parameters. We conclude, as have other studies, that the automatic practise of discarding the yeast crop after 10 fermentations (and the related expense of early yeast repropagation) could be questioned and is worthy of further study.
Key words: beer flavour, fermentation kinetics, tank geometry.
Load full article, 3 pages, 145 kb , PDF file
Malting and Feed Barley Prices
NB: Prices published are theoretical malt prices including financial cost,
THC (for bulk and bags container) and all administrative costs.
This prices may fluctuate according to the quantity per delivery
and technical specifications.
* - 70/30 = 70% Average two Rows Spring and 30% Six Rows Winter
** - 50/50 = 50% Average two Rows Spring and 50% Six Rows Winter

Source: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Sales of Members of the Union of Brewers in Bulgaria, 2008

Source: Union of Brewers in Bulgaria
1 October
1874 Rotterdam opens drink water pipes
1888 National Geographic magazine publishes for 1st time
1898 Dutch railway Alkmaar-Receiver opens
October 02
1608 Prototype of modern reflecting telescope completed by Jan Lippershey
1866 J Osterhoudt patents tin can with key opener
1956 1st atomic power clock exhibited in New York City
October 03
1906 SOS adopted as warning signal by 1st conference on wireless telegraphy
1922 1st facsimile photo send over city telephone lines, Washington, DC
1952 1st video recording on magnetic tape, Los Angeles, California
October 04
1910 1st public elevator (London's Earl's Court Metro Station)
1957 USSR launches Sputnik I, 1st artificial Earth satellite
1958 USSR Luna 3 sent back 1st photos of Moon's far side
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