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World Use of Hops and Hop Products 1997 - 2012s

  Hops Total Pellets Extract
metric tonnes metric tonnes % of total metric tonnes % of total
1997 111698 46000 41.2 29500 26.4
1998 94340 45500 48.2 29750 31.5
1999 95519 52000 54.4 28000 29.3
2000 95925 56000 58.4 24650 25.7
2001 96959 52900 54.6 28800 29.7
2002 97130 53400 55.0 28500 29.3
2003 85520 49600 58.0 28000 32.7
2004 91132 56800 62.3 28600 31.4
2005 93448 61582 65.9 28595 30.6
2006 85266 56361 66.1 26177 30.7
2007 91418 59513 65.1 29345 32.1
2008 113125 69119 61.1 40951 36.2
2009 111386 65161 58.5 43997 39.5
2010 96680 55108 57.0 39639 41.0
2011 97376 54531 56.0 41482 42.6
2012s 87508 48129 55.0 38241 43.7

Source: Hopsteiner
Publication date: 20 March, 2013