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Barley news
7338 articles
Barley news UK: 2022/23 UK barley exports to the EU totalled 1.1 mln tonnes
Last season . . . get full article
07 September, 2023 Article only for members with paid access
Barley news Australia: Western Australian Malt Barley Variety Receival Recommendations released for the 2024-25 harvest
The Grain . . . get full article
07 September, 2023
Barley news Australia: Barley production forecast up in ABARES latest quarterly report
Australia’s commodity . . . get full article
06 September, 2023 Article only for members with paid access
Barley news Australia: Barley crop forecast unchanged at 10.84 mln tonnes
Most key . . . get full article
03 September, 2023 Article only for members with paid access
Barley news Argentina: Good barley crop development makes it possible to maintain production forecast at 4.59 mln tonnes
Beneficial rains . . . get full article
03 September, 2023 Article only for members with paid access
Barley news Canada: Feed barley, wheat prices coming down
Despite a . . . get full article
01 September, 2023
Barley news UK: Winter barley harvest complete, spring barley harvest makes good progress
Drier weather . . . get full article
01 September, 2023
Barley news World: Barley production forecast slightly up but still the lowest in ten years
Global barley . . . get full article
31 August, 2023 Article only for members with paid access
Barley news North America: Analysts reduce Canada barley crop, exports forecasts
After prolonged . . . get full article
31 August, 2023 Article only for members with paid access
Barley news Australia & China: Australia ships first cargo of barley to China since tariff lift
Australia has . . . get full article
29 August, 2023
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