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Dextrinizing units (DU)
Dextrinizing units (DU) or alpha-amylase: While DP gives a ratio for all amylases present in the malt, DU breaks out alpha-amylase. A range of 35-50 DU (dextrinizing units) is acceptable, depending on the malt type and the mash program. Munich malt may be below 10, and pale malts may be as low as 25.
The spontaneous and sometimes vigorous overfoaming of bottled beer when a non-shaken bottle is opened.
Dry Stout
Die bekanntesten Stouts auf der Welt sind Dry Stouts. Diese sind von herbem Charakter, tiefschwarz in Farbe, mit vollmundigem Aroma und cremigem Schaum und kommen aus Irland. Die bekanntesten irischen Dry Stouts sind Guinness, Beamish und Murphy. Gute Dry Stouts werden natürlich auch außerhalb Irlands gebraut, sind jedoch lang nicht so bekannt.
Deuteronomy Brewery 1426
The home brewery founded by Jake McWhirter. The name of the brewery is a reference to Deuteronomy 14:26 in the bible where God tells His people to buy alcoholic drink and enjoy it while worshiping Him. The motto of the brewery is "Fine Beer Brewed to the Glory of God".
A smaller open-topped vessel placed between the lauter tun and boiling kettle, through which the wort is run during the sparge. It allows the brewer easy access to the wort which is being run off, such that it can be monitored both visually and with various brewing tools such as a thermometer, hydrometer, and pH meter. Most homebrewers do not employ a grant. The grant also allows for a buffer zone between a pump and the lauter tun. If the pump were pulling directly on the lauter-tun, it could compact the grain bed and lead to a stuck sparge. But if the beer is allowed to gravity-flow into the grant, and then the pump sucks on the grant, this problem is avoided.
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