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Malt news
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Theoretical malt prices
Malting barley prices
Table of the week
Graph of the week
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Average market prices Change trend
Note: Just click on the price link and you will be led to our Market Price History.
Average barley market prices are French and are estimated on FOB Creil basis.
Average malt market prices are estimated on FOB Antwerp basis.
The changes are compared to last Newsletter's prices.
Arrows indicate the direction of the change.
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Newsletter 51a, 2004

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Market price evolutions
The evolution of market prices for barley and malt, which are periodicaly issued with newsletters are published on site in Market Prices section. Just click here!
Available market price evolutions

Malt Market Price Evolution. Crop 2004

French Malting Barley Price Evolution. Crop 2004

Malt Market Price Evolution. Crop 2003

French Malting Barley Price Evolution. Crop 2003 graphs
All graphs issued with newsletters are published in "Graph" section of site.
Last five graphs

Canada Malt Exports in 2003

Latin America beer production

World Barley Exports in 2003/2004

South Korea beer production

Russia malt production and demand
The graphs are updated from time to time. Just see the updates online on site!
Last updated graphs

EU malt production capacity

U.S.A. Barley Production

United States Beer Exports

Canada Domestic and Imported Beer Sales

Canada's per capita consumption of beer Tables
We have the pleasure to let you know that all tables are published in Statistics section. The Statistics section includes Barley statistics, Malt statistics and Beer statistics. The tables related to barley are published in Barley Statistics section, the tables related to malt in Malt Statistics section and the tables related to beer in Beer Statisctis section.
Last five tables
search in statistics

EU malt export licence fixations

Australian barley prices 2003-2004

Malt production 2003/2004 in major EU countries

World Barley Malt Trade

Australian Barley Supply and Disposal 2001-2005
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| Flash 51b December 16 - December 19, 2004
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Currency Rates
Base Currency: Euro, EUR
on 17-December-2004
1 EUR = 1.3246 USD
1 EUR = 0.6860 GBP
1 EUR = 1.6338 CAD
1 EUR = 1.7501 AUD
1 EUR = 138.77 JPY
1 EUR = 3.6321 BRL
1 EUR = 36.9431 RUB
1 EUR = 10.9763 CNY
Base Currency: US Dollar
on 17-December-2004
1 USD = 0.7550 EUR
1 USD = 0.5177 GBP
1 USD = 1.2334 CAD
1 USD = 1.3212 AUD
1 USD = 104.77 JPY
1 USD = 2.7420 BRL
1 USD = 27.89 RUB
1 USD = 8.2865 CNY
Top Industry News
China: The Chinese surpassed the first time the US as the world’s top beer guzzler, a global survey by the Japanese beer maker Kirin Brewery said
Click here
Russia: Brewer Yarpivo is growing twice as fast as the rest of the Russian beer market, which itself has been expanding at an annual rate of 7%
Click here
Australia, Melbourne: Australia's second-largest brewer Lion Nathan Ltd. on Wednesday, December 15, confirmed its forecast for a 13 % to 16 % rise in this year's net profit
Click here
India, Mumbai: Vijay Mallya, the promoter of India's leading beer company, UB Ltd, is all set to make a major announcement on Sunday, December 19, revealing the name of the international major making an investment in UB
Click here
Beer markets: In 2004 the following preliminary developments were registered
Click here
Brazil: The Brazilian Government is pressed to change the country’s tax code on beer. The pressure is from the National Federation of Beverage Distributors
Click here
Mexico's largest brewing company, Grupo Modelo, a Mexico City based brewer, is completing construction on a new US$64 million barley malting plant
Click here
EU: For barley the main producing areas are in the EU-15. Here, there are ample intervention storage facilities
Click here
World barley trade 2004/2005: United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) published on December 13 its latest forecast of world trade changes of barley in 2004/2005
Click here
Belarus: In 2004 Belarusian farmers delivered to local brewers about 158 thousand tonnes of malting barley, compared to only 19 thousand tonnes in 2003
Click here
USA: USA barley production totaled 280.103 million bushels (6.098 million tonnes) in 2004 from 4.031 million acres of area harvested
Click here
More News
Australia, Canberra: Australia’s GrainCorp Ltd., marketing, malting and logistics concern announced on December 16 it has again revised down its forecast of grain intake from winter crops now being harvested
...more info
Ukraine: EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) has provided a renewable US$10 million credit to Ukraine's largest beer-maker, "Obolon", based in Kiev
...more info
Hong Kong: China Resources Breweries Ltd. (CRB), the country's second-largest beermaker, said on Monday, December 13, it will buy a brewery in wealthy eastern China
...more info
Indonesia: Dutch brewer Heineken plans to start producing beer in Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim nation, in a bid to tap the premium segment of the market
...more info
Canada: Labatt Breweries of Canada plans to chop 20% of its white-collar workforce, blaming competition from discounters and slumping sales at bars and restaurants
...more info
Canada, Waterloo: Brick Brewing Co. Limited announced on December 15 it will be sampling free beer and selling a limited number of collectable bottles in the local Waterloo area
...more info
USA, St. Louis: has agreed with Anheuser-Busch that SABMiller Brewing’s taste test claims in its ads are “unsubstantiated” and three will be pulled from the air, Anheuser-Busch announced
...more info
USA, New York: Check out The Boston Beer Co.'s nine-month numbers, and at first pass it looks like another perfect pint for founder-chairman C. James Koch, a sixth-generation brewmaster
...more info
Australia: Adelaide’s Coopers Brewery announced on December 15, 2004 it has appointed Mr John Hood as Brewing Manager
...more info
Brewery News
China: The Chinese surpassed the first time the US as the world’s top beer guzzler, a global survey by the Japanese beer maker Kirin Brewery said. Chinese drinkers consumed nearly 25 billion litres (6.6 billion gallons) in 2003... more info
Russia: Brewer Yarpivo is growing twice as fast as the rest of the Russian beer market, which itself has been expanding at an annual rate of 7%. Angela Drujinina uncovers the strategy behind the success, Beverage Daily reported in a statement on December 14.
In 2003, Yarpivo reported annual sales growth of 14.2 per cent, an impressive increase even within a sector that has seen significant growth at the expense of more traditional spirits. A company representative told that the company plans to continue rolling out its multi-faceted strategy, which has resulted in both sales and profit increases.
A major factor, according to the Yarpivo, has been the firm’s policy of cooperation with distributors. A strategy of giving certain discounts and credits has enabled the firm to achieve significant efficiencies along the supply chain.
Beer packaging has also been redesigned, with a glass bottle being introduced along with new labels for Yarpivo, Volga and Slavno brands. In addition, the Yarpivo brand is now available in one-litre plastic bottles and a new brand of Irish Red ale has been introduced to target the premium market segment.
Applied together, these strategies enabled Yarpivo to increase its profit in the first nine months of 2004 by 2 per cent or RUR98 million (€2.6m) compared to the same period last year
But the company has another clever strategy up its sleeve. It has begun bottling a seasonal beer brand called Novogodnee (New Year’s), which shows how the company is attempted to tap into consumer trends and achieve differentiation within an increasingly crowded market.
And as with the Irish Red ale brand, it also shows how Yarpivo is targeting the premium beer sector. Novogodnee is a lager of high density, brewed to a special recipe that requires a longer time to mature. The beer is brewed only once a year, specifically for New Year celebrations... more info
Australia, Melbourne: Australia's second-largest brewer Lion Nathan Ltd. on Wednesday, December 15, confirmed its forecast for a 13 % to 16 % rise in this year's net profit. Lion Nathan Chief Executive Rob Murray said in a presentation prepared for the annual meeting that the company expected to post earnings before significant items of A$230 million to A$235 million ($175 million to $179 million) in the year ended September 30, 2005.
The brewer of Tooheys, Steinlager, XXXX and Hahn beers, which competes in the Australian market against Foster's Group Ltd. , posted earnings before one-off items of A$202.7 million for fiscal 2004.
Shares in Lion Nathan, 46 percent owned by Japan's Kirin Brewery Co. , were up 1.1 % at A$8.29 in afternoon trade in a wider market up 0.6 percent. ($1=A$1.32)
India, Mumbai: Vijay Mallya, the promoter of India's leading beer company, UB Ltd, is all set to make a major announcement on Sunday, December 19, revealing the name of the international major making an investment in UB... more info
Beer markets: In 2004 the following preliminary developments were registered:
Germany beer sales January-October minus 0,5 %. EU figures not available... more info
Brazil: The Brazilian Government is pressed to change the country’s tax code on beer. The pressure is from the National Federation of Beverage Distributors (Fenadibe), which represents around 1,500 beverage distributors in Brazil... more info
Malt News
Mexico's largest brewing company, Grupo Modelo, a Mexico City based brewer, is completing construction on a new US$64 million barley malting plant, Idaho Malting Plant, based in Idaho Falls...more info
Barley News
EU: For barley the main producing areas are in the EU-15. Here, there are ample intervention storage facilities, especially since rye is no longer eligible for intervention, and farmers have less need for operating cash from these sales because of government payments. However, large supplies of feed-quality wheat are available from a record crop, displacing barley and depressing feed grain prices, which in turn makes intervention more attractive. In the past, the EU has often had 3-5 million tonnes of barley intervention stocks but these have been pulled down to virtually nothing this past year. Current offers are about 1.4 million tonnes, mostly from Germany, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) said on December 13.
World barley trade 2004/2005: United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) published on December 13 its latest forecast of world trade changes of barley in 2004/2005...more info
Belarus: In 2004 Belarusian farmers delivered to local brewers about 158 thousand tonnes of malting barley, compared to only 19 thousand tonnes in 2003...more info
USA: USA barley production totaled 280.103 million bushels (6.098 million tonnes) in 2004 from 4.031 million acres of area harvested. The largest volume of barley production was registered in North Dakota: 92.38 million bushels from 1.49 million acres harvested. The second-largest barley volume was registered in Idaho where barley production totaled 59.80 million bushels from 650,000 harvested acres in 2004, an increase of 26% from the prior year. Quality was good overall and excellent in some locations, particularly in south central Idaho. Quality dropped slightly in areas of north and southeastern Idaho due to rain at harvest time. Approximately 76.7% of Idaho's barley sampled received a USDA/FGIS grade of #1. There were 286 barley samples collected from Idaho elevators, commodity brokers and farmers. The samples were separated by class, variety and region. They were graded at a licensed Federal rain Inspection Service (FGIS) facility. Average weight was higher this year at 50.25 pounds per bushel (lb./bu.). Seventy-four percent of the 6-row barley crop tested 48 lb/bu or better and 93% of the 2-row barley crop tested 48 lb/bu or better. Overall thins averaged 3.14% and plumps averaged 87.17%. Protein averaged 11.77% statewide and moisture averaged 10.12%. The average for skinned and broken kernels was 1.43%. Since nutritional analyses are relatively consistent, they are not included in this year’s report. The U.S. produces a wide range of malting barley varieties, including both 2-row and 6-row, that are favored not only by the North American industry, but by maltsters and brewers around the world. Each year we provide samples to potential customers to evaluate for use in their operations and we gladly host trade visitors to see our production and quality first-hand. More than 60% of U.S. barley crop is used each year in the domestic beer market. Japan is the largest importer of US barley, buying more than 258 TMT (11.8 million bushels) of US barley in 2003-04.
Theoretical malt prices.
* - 70/30 = 70% Average two Rows Spring and 30% Six Rows Winter
** - 50/50 = 50% Average two Rows Spring and 50% Six Rows Winter
Theoretical malt prices for crop 2005 are available on site
Malting barley prices. French barley prices.
Nominal prices.
Table of the week
EU Malting Barley Supply and Demand Estimate 2004/2005
(in 1,000 tons) |
Malt production
(estim.) |
demand |
Supply Spring
malting barley |
Supply Winter
Malting barley |
Plus / Minus |
Total |
Spring |
Winter |
Northwest: |
Belgium |
660 |
825 |
10 |
- |
- 815 |
- 565 |
- 250 |
France |
1,380 |
1,620 |
2,450 |
2/6 row 1,800 |
+ 2,630 |
+ 1,450 |
+ 1,180 |
Germany |
2,050 |
2,560 |
2,100 |
2 row 50 |
- 410 |
- 310 |
- 100 |
Ireland |
160 |
200 |
250 |
- |
+ 50 |
+ 50 |
- |
Netherlands |
240 |
300 |
250 |
- |
- 50 |
- |
- 50 |
United Kingdom |
1,550 |
1,950 |
1,400 |
2row 650 |
+ 150 |
+ 150 |
- |
Total Northwest |
6,040 |
7,455 |
6,460 |
2,500 |
+ 1,555 |
+ 775 |
+ 780 |
Baltic: |
Denmark |
255 |
320 |
900 |
- |
+ 580 |
+ 580 |
- |
Finland |
175 |
220 |
180 |
- |
- 40 |
- 40 |
- |
Lithuania |
60 |
75 |
75 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Poland |
280 |
350 |
250 |
- |
- 100 |
- 100 |
- |
Sweden |
250 |
315 |
350 |
- |
+ 35 |
+ 35 |
- |
Total Baltic |
1,020 |
1,280 |
1,755 |
- |
+ 475 |
+ 475 |
- |
Southeast: |
Austria |
155 |
200 |
250 |
- |
+ 50 |
+ 50 |
- |
Czech Republic |
500 |
625 |
725 |
- |
+ 100 |
+ 100 |
- |
Hungary |
140 |
175 |
200 |
- |
+ 25 |
+ 25 |
- |
Slovakia |
280 |
350 |
400 |
- |
+ 50 |
+ 50 |
- |
Total Southeast |
1,075 |
1,350 |
1,575 |
- |
+ 225 |
+ 225 |
- |
Mediterranean: |
Greece |
40 |
50 |
0 |
- 50 |
- 25 |
- 25 |
Italy |
75 |
95 |
40 |
- 55 |
- 30 |
- 25 |
Portugal |
75 |
95 |
0 |
- 95 |
- 60 |
- 35 |
Spain |
400 |
500 |
550 |
+ 50 |
+ 50 |
- |
Total Mediterranean |
590 |
740 |
590 |
- |
- 150 |
- 65 |
- 85 |
Net Total |
8,725 |
10,825 |
10,380 |
2,500 |
+ 2,105 |
+ 1,410 |
+ 695 |
Graph of the week
Italy Beer Market
November 2004:
World Brewing Academy Applied Brewing Techniques. Munich, Germany;
World Brewing Academy Concise Course in Brewing Technology. Chicago, Illinois, United States;
Belgian Beer Fest, Boston MA;
Teach a Friend to Brew Day;
BRAU Beviale 2004. Nürnberg, Germany.;
Brewers' Association of America Conference;
Fall Fest-Of-Ale. Janesville, Wisconsin, United States;
Accrington Beer Festival. UK;
FOODAPEST 2004. 7th International Food, Drink and Food Processing Trade Fair;
BELPRODUKT International Exhibition for Food and Beverages. Minsk, Belarus ;
December 2004:
FOODEX Food, Beverages and Food Technologies Fair. Ankara, Turkey;
Eten & Genieten Food, Beverages and Kitchen Supplies Exhibition. Amsterdam, Netherlands;
Americas Food & beverage Show and Conference;
Holiday Ale Festival;
Sint Niklaas Visits Brewery Ommegang;
IWEX 2004;
KerstBierFestival 10th edition! Belgium;
January 2005:
Big Beers, Belgians & Barleywines Festival. Vail CO;
35th Barley Improvement Conference. The American Malting Barley Association;
Atlanta Cask Ale Tasting;
More events are available on site