E-Malt. E-Malt.com News article: Mexico: Heineken remains concerned about issue of water and droughts in Mexico

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E-Malt.com News article: Mexico: Heineken remains concerned about issue of water and droughts in Mexico
Brewery news

Heineken México, the second largest brewing operating in the country, stated that it was concerned about the issue of water and droughts that Mexico has faced in recent years and that has worsened in the first half of 2024, FreshlyBottled.com reported on July 2.

The company says that it is working to continue with efficiencies in water consumption in its plants in Mexico, where it will soon add a new complex in Yucatán.

"Not only the beer industry, but everyone in the country is dismayed by this issue of the prolonged drought that we have been experiencing in the last five years in the country," said Claudia de la Vega, vice president of corporate affairs at Heineken Mexico.

According to data provided by the Heineken Mexico company, the country registers an efficiency in water consumption of 2.4 liters per liter of beer on average, although the Meoqui plant reports an average consumption of 1.7 or 1.8 liters per liter of beer, but in the new brewery, which will be in Yucatán, this percentage will be improved even more.

09 July, 2024

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